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It is difficult for many of the Lord’s people to understand the truth that “THE WHOLE WORLD LIETH IN WICKEDNESS” (I Jn 5:19). The Amplified Bible correctly translates the later part of this verse: “The whole world around us is under the power of THE WICKED ONE”. This whole world system not only lies in wickedness, but it lies in, it is under the power of, THE WICKED ONE – a personality, the devil.

How few truly comprehend this! How many yet believe that there must be at least something of God in the politics of this world (especially in the United States), or in the educational programs of this world, or in the religions of this world, or the fashions, philosophies, or economics of this present world system. Somehow it does not sink in that these are one and all PRODUCTS OF THE CARNAL MINDS OF CARNAL MEN, sold under sin, dominated by the spirit that controls this age, influenced by the god of this world order.

We have tried to believe that our present political system, democracy, or republicanism, is somehow an expression of the kingdom of God simply because it was given to us, in this country, by religious men. So we have men busy trying to preserve and perpetuate a passing carnal order, imperfect, full of flaws, and steadily disintegrating before our very eyes, as God demonstrates for all to see that even our government is OF THIS WORLD “which passeth away”.

Many still hope that out of our present political system will come the integrity and wisdom to solve the immense problems facing our increasingly weakening and depraved society and explosive world situation. Surely, think we, the Democrats or Republicans will come up with the answer! Certainly a Reagan, or a Wallace, or a Goldwater, or a Carter, or a Humphrey, or a Kennedy is what this nation and the world needs to stabilize its path.

If only we could elect enough Conservatives, or Liberals, or Christians! How many Christians have swarmed to the polls to vote for some candidate they were led to believe, by propaganda and shrewdly managed image building techniques, was a Christian, or Spirit-filled, or honest, or Conservative, or religious, or something else; only to awaken later to the unvarnished reality that indeed he was just another POLITICIAN like other politicians, dominated by the very system that produced him, influenced and controlled by the spirit of the age of THIS WORLD SYSTEM, WHICH, as truthfully as the Word declares, “is under the power of THE WICKED ONE”.



JESUS HAS GIVEN US A PREFECT RELATIONSHIP WITH OUR HEAVENLY FATHER!  Welcome to my Online Bible Study Revealing Divine Revelation Of God’s Word.  According to the NEW TESTAMENT every believer IN CHRIST is “fully justified” in our Father’s sight.   This means that our sin, mark missing, shame, guilt, failure and condemnation has completely and totally been taken away at the new birth.  Not only our past sins, but also our present and future sins as well.  That means we stand in the presence of the Almighty completely forgiven and made a NEW CREATURE (man) in Christ.  II Corinthians 5:17…  Therefore if ANY MAN be in Christ, HE IS a new creature: old things are passed away; behold ALL THINGS ARE BECOME NEW!


Notice if ANY MAN will receive God’s plan of salvation which is JESUS CHRIST.  He instantly is made a NEW CREATURE (new man) and receives his NEW DIVINE LIFE IN AND FROM CHRIST JESUS.  The old things of the world of the old man INSTANTLY dies.  Instantly taken away and the Father remembers the old MAN and his failures NO MORE!  Thus, the NEW MAN comes forth in divine resurrection life, power and glory.   Our first birth is that of the natural seed from man.  But our second birth is that of the spiritual seed from HEAVEN.  This new birth is from heavenly seed which affords us ETERNAL LIFE.  Eternal life is the life and nature of our Heavenly Father.  Jesus has given us a PREFECT heart and relationship with our Heavenly Father.  We now have total access to the greatest friend we will ever have.  One that WILL NEVER leave or forsake us.

Listen to the heart of our Heavenly Father toward us.   Hebrews 4:16….  Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we might obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.  What an incredible thought! The Father has extended unto us a 24/7 standing invitation into HIS HEART.  Providing for us divine help, protection and safety.  Under our Father’s care we know with full assurance that NO WEAPON formed against us shall proper.  No problem is big enough to over power him.  1 Peter 5:7….  Casting ALL your care upon him; for he CARETH FOR YOU!   Yes my friend, if the creator of ALL THINGS is your Father and he cares for you.  What enemy can over take you?

Many in the earth today are looking for a life of fulfillment and satisfaction.  A life that is valuable to Almighty God and honorable in HIS SIGHT!  People are looking for a life of meaning and service.  I’m finding that many don’t want to waste their life serving themselves by seeking their own desires.  If you feel that your life needs a NEW BEGINNING.  I can hear the Father saying,  come unto me all ye that are heavy burdened and I’ll give you rest, peace and joy.  And I will make you great in my sight! Jesus has given us a prefect relationship with our heavenly father!




WHEN PETER WAS IN TROUBLE THE CHURCH PRAYED AND GOD INTERVENED!    Acts 12:1-11…  Now about that time Herod the king stretched forth his hands to vex certain of the church.  And he killed James the brother of John with the sword. And because he saw it pleased the Jews, he proceeded further to take Peter also. (Then were the days of unleavened bread.)  And when he had apprehended him, he put him in prison, and delivered him to four quater-nions of soldiers to keep him; intending after Easter to bring him forth to the people.  Peter therefore was kept in prison: BUT PRAYER WAS MADE WITHOUT CEASING OF THE CHURCH unto God for him.

And when Herod would have brought him forth, the same night Peter was sleeping between two soldiers, bound with two chains: and the keepers before the door kept the prison. And behold, the angel of the Lord came upon him, and a light shined in the prison: and he smote Peter on the side, and raised him up, saying, Arise up quickly. And his chains fell off from his hands. And the angel said unto him, Gird thyself, and bind on thy sandals. And so he did. And he saith unto him, Cast thy garment about thee, and follow me.  And he went out, and followed him; and wist not that it was true which was done by the angel; but thought he saw a vision.

When they were past the first and the second ward, they came unto the iron gate that leadeth unto the city; which opened to them of his own accord: and they went out, and passed on through on street; and forthwith the angel departed from him, And when Peter was come to himself, he said, Now I know  of a surety, that the LORD HATH SENT HIS ANGEL  and HATH DELIVERED ME out of the hand of Herod, and from all the expectation of the people of the Jews.

Satan had filled the heart of Herod with murder and corruption.  And Herod was completely under the influence of all matter of evil.  Satan had come to kill, still and destroy and he was using Herod as his yielded vessel.  Satan had imprisoned Herod in complete darkness and there was no light in him. He was totally being inspired and motivated by the evil one. When the Church heard that Herod had taken Peter and arrested him.  Knowing Herod’s plan was to have Peter killed.  The Church was fully aware that they had no human power or might over Herod’s will.  They understood of themselves they could do absolutely nothing to help Peter.

But they had learned to fight spiritual battles the RIGHT WAY!  They did not go face to face with the man Herod.  They understood clearly that Herod was not the real enemy in this account of scripture.  The Church was living in the awareness that Herod was under influence of the one that comes to kill, still and destroy lives.  So they realized that man was not their true enemy, BUT SATAN WAS.  At this point the Church had spiritually matured to the place that they had LEARNED TO DO THEIR FIGHTING IN THEIR PRAYER CLOSET.   So they gathered together shut the doors behind themselves and called out unto their help.  It had become real to them that their help cometh from the LORD HIMSELF.  They knew that Satan was defeated and that JESUS IS LORD!!!!

Peter was in trouble, therefore, the Church Prayed and God intervened.  PRAYER WAS MADE WITHOUT CEASING OF THE CHURCH unto God for him.   The Church knew that GOD WOULD TAKE OVER AND FIGHT THEIR BATTLE FOR THEM.   They understood that their God rules the heavens and that Jesus had already defeated Satan and all of his kingdom.  Satan has been defeated by our heavenly champion and he has no dominion, power or might over Jesus.  The Church touched the Heart of the Lord in prayer and as a result God sent his mighty angelic force and brought deliverance and great victory to Peter and the saints.

We are living in a season were the Church today is growing and learning.  We have discovered ” WHERE TO DO OUR FIGHTING, IN OUR SPIRITUAL CLOSET”!  We are maturing to the place that we have learned the right way, “THAT GOD WILL FIGHT FOR US”!  That in reality the BATTLES BELONGS UNTO THE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY.  We have also learned that “IT IS TIME TO FIGHT FOR OUR CITIES, FAMILIES AND FRIENDS”.  Satan’s spiritual darkness, sickness, death, disease, murder and hate have imprisoned and held captive our cities, families and friends LONG ENOUGH!  My prayer is that God will move mighty among us.  And RAISE UP SPIRITUAL WARRIORS that will yield themselves to the glory of God.  See Peter was in trouble; the church prayed and God intervened!


God Is Calling For Prayer Warriors!


GOD IS CALLING FOR PRAYER WARRIORS!  I’ve lived in Thomasville all my life.  And I’ve always dreamed of seeing a mighty out pouring of the Spirit of God. A move of God that would change and transform the course of history for our city, families and friends.  Even though I’ve seen God do miracles, signs and wonders in our mist.  Still the measure of glory that I have seen manifested among us has not completely satisfied my heart.  It is very apparent to me that there is so much more for us to encounter and experience in our relationship with our Lord Jesus.  But now God is calling for Prayer Warriors! It is time for all good men to come to the aid of their country.

As I was praying The Spirit said to me: TIM, MEN ARE NOT YOUR ENEMY.  Then he gave me this scripture.   Ephesians 6:12…  For we wrestle not against flesh and blood (MEN), but against PRINCIPALITIES, AGAINST POWERS, AGAINST THE RULERS OF THE DARKNESS OF THIS WORLD, AGAINST SPIRITUAL WICKEDNESS IN HIGH PLACES (SATAN’S- KINGDOM OF DARKNESS).  We must understand this truth.  All men are under influence of either the Spirit of the living God.  Or men are being inspired and motivated by demonic powers in high places.  Therefore where ever spiritual influence is coming from actions will follow.  In the scripture Satan is defined as the prince of the power of the air.  Meaning he is the controller of those living outside of relationship with Christ.

This scripture gives witness to men being under influence.  Romans 6:16…  Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants we are to whom ye obey; whether sin unto death (Satan), or obedience unto righteousness (The Lord).  Do you remember when Phillip was being stoned to death by his own people because he spoke to them under the influence of the Spirit of Christ.  What he said while being overwhelmed by their stones was absolutely amazing.  FATHER, FORGIVE THEM FOR THEY KNOW NOT WHAT THEY DO!   Phillip understood clearly that the people were totally under the control of the spiritual rulers of darkness and they didn’t know it.  This action was in reality Satan’s hate of Jesus being manifested toward Phillip.  To bring transformation to our city, family and friends.  God is calling for Prayer Warriors.  We must understand that this is a spiritual battle and of ourselves we have no power or might to overcome.

Now that we know who our enemy is. SATAN and not the people under his influence.  We must forgive people under Satan’s control that attack us and love them and pray that God will visit them. And destroy the demonic influence operating over them.  It is time to get out of the way and allow God to fight for us.  We must gain God’s wisdom concerning our arsenal of heavenly weaponry.

2 Corinthians 10:4…. here is the answer to God’s power of deliverance.  For THE WEAPONS OF OUR WARFARE are not carnal, BUT MIGHTY THROUGH GOD, to the pulling down of (DEMONIC) strong holds;  God is calling for Prayer Warriors that will pursue him for help.  These warriors are fully aware that of their selves they have absolutely no power to deliver.  But their call from God is to seek his help for Kingdom Victory.  Ask God to send his ANGELS before us to bring divine victory.  Mature Christians understand the truth.  Satan and his kingdom of darkness has deceived the hearts of men and blinded their eyes from seeing the love of the Lord.  The salvation of the Lord.  The healing of the Lord.  But God has sent us ALL THE POWER of  heaven.  To defeat our adversary.

Hebrews 1:14…. Are they (GOD’S ANGELIC ARMY) not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister FOR THEM who shall be heirs of salvation?   Prayer Warriors understand when they touch the heart of God he will release from Heaven his mighty army of Kingdom Warriors.  These angels will move swiftly into action and bring mighty deliverance to our cities, families and friends.  Spiritual Prayer Warriors realize that Satan’s weapon is to BLIND the eyes of the understanding of people.  From the glorious light of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  The spirit of darkness, sickness and disease have control our cities, families and friends LONG ENOUGH.  LET GOD ARISE AND LET HIS ENEMIES BE SCATTERED!  Our God is calling for Prayer Warriors TO ARISE in great power and might. And call out on THE NAME OF THE LORD JESUS.  To arise and help us.  And send his MIGHTY HEAVENLY HOST to bring great heavenly victory.

If you have need in your life.  Enter your closet in prayer and seek your God with all your heart.  Ask for his help to fight against the wiles of Satan.  Satan is the thief, he comes only to still, kill and destroy the lives in our cities, families and friends.  But Jesus has come to us to bring HIS LIFE; AND HIS LIFE MORE ABUNDANTLY.  God is calling for prayer warriors to bring divine change and transformation.  Are you one of those that he is looking for?

Father, thy Kingdom come, thy will be done.  On earth as it is in Heaven.  Amen!



MATURE PRAYER WARRIORS SEEK GOD’S HELP TO FIGHT THEIR BATTLES ON THEIR BEHALF!  Ps. 24:8…. Who is this King of glory?  The Lord strong and mighty; THE LORD MIGHTY IN BATTLE.  King David wrote this Psalm.  No man that ever lived was more skilled in battle than King David.  David’s understanding and wisdom was the key factor that brought him victory after victory.  David had a revelation that “KINGDOM VICTORY DOES NOT COME BY

ACCIDENT!  David realized that Kingdom victories were not won by man’s wisdom, strength or might.  First, David understood WHO HIS ENEMY WAS!  He knew that MAN WAS NOT HIS ENEMY!  He totally had a revelation that Satan and the rulers of darkness was his foe.  David was completely aware that EVERY MAN is always under the influence of spiritual activity.  Romans 6:16…  Know ye not, to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey;

whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness.  David realize this truth.  That every second and every moment all men are always under influence to the greater realm, which is the spiritual realm.  Either man is being inspired by the Spirit of God or he is under the influence of the Spirit of this world.  Man was created by God to be under influence.  Therefore, he understood clearly that when men, cities or nations would rise up and try to destroy the truth of God. By attacking his chosen

people it was a manifestation of Satan influencing the heart and minds of men.  Yes David’s apparent enemies were under the influence of Demonic powers.  David was aware that these enemies were under the influence of Satan’s power and they where not aware of it.  Thus he was fully aware that his enemies were stronger and more powerful than he was.  He also knew that he did not have the proper battle plan to defeat his enemies.  That’s were David’s heart was so wise.  When he was confronted

with impossible situations.  David would seek and call out on the Lord for his wisdom and help.  He would ask the Lord to help him and fight his battles for him.  David knew that the battle was not his, but THE BATTLE WAS THE LORD’S.  David was aware of the fact that God did not want him to try and fight the enemy in his on might, power or wisdom.  But the Lord wanted David to seek him and pray for his divine wisdom, intervention and deliverance.  David won his battles as a result of a

man walking in intimate relationship with Almighty God.  David loved to seek the Face of the Lord for his help.  He knew that God would give him instruction for his part of the battle plan. He also knew that if he would be willing and obedient to God’s instruction.  That God would arise and do in his life only what God himself could do for him.  David realize that of himself he could do nothing to bring victory.  That’s the reason he was such a great man of prayer and praise.   The Lord so loved David that he call him A MAN AFTER HIS OWN HEART.




JESUS’ WORLD IS IN THE INVISIBLE REALM OF THE HOLY SPIRIT!   It’s in HIM (The Invisible Spirit of Christ) that we live, move and have our being.

We live in the Holy Spirit.  We walk in the Holy Spirit.  We are under the INFLUENCE and INSPIRED of the Holy Spirit.  We live in the intangible, invisible World of

the WORD OF GOD!  Which is called the KINGDOM OF HEAVEN!  Jesus declares to us that the Father has sent us an incredible gift, teacher and guide for life!   This

guide is the Holy Spirit which is the SPIRIT OF JESUS HIMSELF.  The Holy Spirit can be likened unto THE  NATURAL WIND that blows here on earth.  The wind is

INVISIBLE to the natural senses of man.  We can’t see the wind blow or move about the earth.  But we BELIEVE that the wind is a living moving reality.  Man can’t SEE

air but it doesn’t take long to encounter it’s reality.  Simply because we’ve all EXPERIENCED the RESULTS and EVIDENCE of a invisible wind that creates VISIBLE

manifestations.  THAT’S JUST HOW THE LORD WORKS!   His healing is in the Spirit Realm, invisible and intangible.  But Heaven’s power and reality is greater than

earths reality.   Heavens health is DESIGNED to manifest and swallow up earths infirmities.  That means our INVISIBLE God in all of His glory and power becomes

VISIBLE!  The Lord desires to be experienced and he loves RELATIONSHIP filled with HEAVENS ENCOUNTERS!  God loves COMMUNION!  Jesus loves INVISIBLE

MIRACLES that become VISIBLE to men on earth. God loves it when His INVISIBLE HEALING overwhelms earths sicknesses.  Our God is a Healer of his people’s

diseases.  He absolutely loves to HEAL PEOPLE.  FAITH in GOD’S POWER is the vehicle that RELEASES Heavens blessing into our experiences.  When man doesn’t

TRUST GOD; it dams up the flow of HEAVENS GLORY!  I can remember many hot summer days playing basketball at the park.  The heat would be overwhelming and

suddenly a sweet cool visible manifestation of wind would began to flow.  What a refreshing when the principle of the intangible winds began to influence our lives.  The

wind is just like the invisible Kingdom of Heaven.  Give it time and the invisible will surely come leaping out into the tangible, visible world called earth.  Our God is

SPIRIT!  And He loves to manifest His glory in the tangible realm of experience.  God loves for us to encounter His glorious presence! It’s a life transforming

experience.  I’m a cyclist!  And I can tell you that the INVISIBLE wind loves to blow, Lol!   I can’t see the winds energy and force while I’m riding.  But I absolutely

encounter the weight of it’s presence.  As the Natural Wind loves to blow, even so, our Lord loves to come out of the INVISIBLE REALM OF HEAVEN and SHOW

FORTH His beauty and healing power here on earth, right now!  This is why the Word teaches that the natural man can’t see or comprehend the things of the

INVISIBLE KINGDOM OF GOD!  Jesus said,  Ye must be born again to SEE THE INTANGIBLE KINGDOM OF GOD.  Spiritual things can only be discerned by our

teacher, the SPIRIT OF GOD!   That’s why the NATURAL MAN that has never met Jesus thinks that his creator is a fairly tail!  In his limited state of human reasoning

and limited thoughts “HE CAN’T SEE OUR LORD”!  JESUS’ WORLD IS IN THE INVISIBLE REALM OF THE HOLY SPIRIT!  And only God can build a EYE to see

Heaven! And only God can build a EAR to hear His Voice!  Jesus said; MY SHEEP KNOW MY VOICE; and the voice of the stranger they WILL NOT FOLLOW!





Jesus’ visitation transforms Saul into Paul!  Saul is the devoted Pharisee of Pharisees.  To understand this concept we must understand

Jesus’ parable of the “Leaven Of The Pharisees”.   Jesus explained to His followers spiritual truths behind the parable.

The thought of LEAVEN is revealing the reality of “INFLUENCE”!   PHARISEE is unveiling a people who are Pro-God but Anti-Christ.

Meaning this group of people love God after the Old Testament law which is based upon man’s human effort and works. But not after the

revelation of New Testament salvation which is based upon the Gospel of Grace and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.  So when we put the reality

of these two definitions together we gain insight into Jesus’ teaching.  Saul being a Pharisee reveals His spiritual condition. He was heavily

under the INFLUENCE of the LAW OF MOSES because he had not yet had a Divine encounter with our New Testament Champion and Savior

Jesus our Lord!  Therefore Saul had never personally experience or met Jesus. He had just heard about all of the Lord’s mighty works, deeds and

Glory.   But He didn’t personally have a relationship or really know Jesus from first hand experience.  In Acts Chapter 9, Verse 1 we receive the account of

JESUS’ VISITATION by the power of His Spirit which eventually transforms Saul of Tarius into the New Man Paul.

In this account, Saul appeals to the Chief Leaders of the Law in Jerusalem and asks for letters of authority to chain and arrest all Christians in Damascus.

He receives their authority and heads out on his journey. On the road to Damascus he has His life changing encounter with JESUS HIMSELF.

Jesus appears to Saul and the scriptures records that suddenly there shined round about him a light from heaven.  Jesus’ glorious appearing

causes Saul to lose his natural strength and he falls upon the ground.  Completely overwhelmed by his divine encounter with Jesus’ visitation.

Saul immediately is divinely empowered to hear the voice of the Spirit of Christ which said unto him.  Saul why are you persecuting me. Do you not realize

that it’s very difficult to fight against the will of Almighty God.  Saul replies with; Lord; Who are you Lord?  Jesus says to Saul; I am Jesus whom

you are persecuting.  Saul replies.  What would you have to me do Lord?  This would be the first of Saul’s instruction from his Lord!

Finally Saul has received GRACE to encounter and experience Jesus personally.  Jesus’ visitation miraculously transforms Saul’s ability To Hear into the invisible and

unlimited realm of the Holy Spirit.  For the first time Saul is hearing and perceiving the instruction of Jesus himself.  Jesus’s leading would eventually guide

the rest of his life.  This visitation from the Lord completely transforms Saul’s relationship with Jesus.  Now he is empowered to walk with, recognize and follow the

Lord.  This visitation totally changes the course of history for Saul and the destiny of his life.  It’s amazing how well Saul can hear and perceive the Spirit of Jesus at his

first meeting.  Saul’s heart is so yielding, honorable and willing to follow Jesus’s instruction for his life. Notice Saul was not looking for Jesus. No

Jesus said; you did not choose me Saul, but I choose you.  And at my appearing my light and glory has totally transformed our relationship.  Saul was a mere

natural man lost, confused, misguided, living in his little limited world. But now Jesus is beginning to bring him into his divine call and purpose.   Saul is

now learning the difference of being lead by his own natural reasoning, thoughts and ideas in contrast to being lead by the Spirit of Jesus. Jesus is transforming

him into a spiritually lead man.  He is no longer carnal but being changed into a Spirit guided Son of God.  Saul is learning not to lean unto his own under-

standing.  But he is discovering the Higher thoughts and ways of the Lord!  The Reality is setting in that if he desires to see the power and glory of God

operating within him and manifesting through him.   He will have to be lead of the Spirit of Christ!  For where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty and

freedom from the infirmities of earth.  Heavens reality is overwhelming earthy reality.  Saul of Tarius is being transformed into the Apostle Paul!  Therefore

if any man be in Christ he is a new creature.  Yes, the power and glory of God has changed Saul’s nature, and all things are becoming new in his life.  He is finding

a new life with destiny and purpose that is changing the course of history for the world to come.  Jesus is building a spiritual eye and ear within him.  He is

now beginning to see and hear in the eternal realm of the Holy Spirit.   Jesus’ visitation is literally transforming his life into the image of the living God.

Jesus is revealing to him how to recognize the coming and appearing of the Lord by the power of the Holy Spirit.  Saul is learning to recognize Jesus

by the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation.  He is becoming sensitive to the presence and voice of the Lord.







Ps 91:1… He that dwelleth in the SECRET PLACE of the most High shall abide under the SHADOW of the Almighty….

This Word of God is a Spiritual Word! Written to our hearts or spirits and not to the external world. He that dwelleth is not referring to one dwelling in a natural physical place. It’s speaking of where your heart is and also your spiritual condition.

The SECRET PLACE here is speaking of the heart of the Lord Jesus! We live, move and have our being in the Word of God. So as we spend time heart to heart with the Lord we are empowered by His Glory to be changed into the self same image from glory to glory. The Word is an enabling power to change us into His image and likeness. As His presence changes us! We find ourselves in a state were we can do all things thought Christ who strengthens us. We are strong in the Lord and the power of His might!

In the presence of the Lord His thoughts, feelings and desires are revealed and made known to us. They are so powerful they change the way we feel, precise, understand and therefore the direction of our natural movement. The Internal Word of God inspires and empowers us to faith actions!

In this lofty state of being we find ourselves dwelling under the SHADOW of His Glory and influence. When I’m in the Secret Place often I am very aware that God is arising and His presence is protecting and keeping me safe from all harm! Yes I feel His SHADOW passing over my life and keeping me alive and well. While I’m partaking of Lamb He passes over my life in great love and protection. Glory to His name. The Lord is good and His mercies endure forever and ever.

This divine influence is designed to provide for us completely and totally in all areas of our life. Yes our God has taken complete responsibility for our well being spirit, soul and body! We are now empowered and enabled to CAST ALL our cares upon him for HE cares for us so dearly.

Be Blessed all,

Tim Wray


Matthew 6:9-10…. After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in Heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy Will be done IN EARTH, AS IT IS IN HEAVEN.

The WILL OF GOD is simply this: ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN! When we pray, Thy Kingdom come, Thy Will be done. We’re praying for the King’s Dominion and Will to TRANSFORM AND CHANGE this Earth. The REALITY of Heaven is to be realized and experienced ON EARTH, right here, right now! That is life transforming and God’s only way to do normal Christian Living! The Lord has not HID His will or KEPT His desires secret.

All of His desires are revealed in the life of Christ Jesus the living Word of God. He wants the reality of Heaven to invade this rebel torn world. His heart is to transform earth and bring our lives under His Divine Influence! Heaven’s culture, love, joy , peace and health!

What is operating freely in Heaven- Love, joy, peace, health, well-being and all the incredible promises in the Word! Should now also be operating freely here on Earth! What is not free to operate in Heaven- sickness, disease, spiritual bondage, division, addictions and all manner of evil- should not be free to operate here in our lives.

I can Hear The Spirit of the Lord saying: As surely as I live: The Earth SHALL BE filled with the Glory of the Lord AS THE WATERS cover the sea!

Be Bless all! Please join us in prayer!
Father Thy Kingdom come to our lives, Churches, families, friends and cities!
Tim Wray



Father thy Kingdom come thy Will be done on earth even as in Heaven!

I have come to see that the normal Christian life means miracles, spiritual intervention, and divine revelations. It means love, joy, peace and a sense of well-being and purpose. Written into the spiritual DNA of every believer is the appetite to experience encounters of Heavens glory invading Earth’s situations.
The Holy Spirit, the very Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead, lives within us, making it impossible for us to be content with what we can only see, hear, touch, taste and smell. Our hearts know there is much more to life than what we perceive with our natural senses. We are spiritually agitated by a lack of connection with the realm of God’s Supernatural divine miracles, signs and wonders! Nothing satisfies the hearts of Christians like seeing earth’s impossible circumstances and situations bow its knee to the wonderful name of Jesus! Anything less is living an abnormal Christian experience! We love Jesus’s prayer! Father thy Kingdom come thy Will be done on earth even as in Heaven! We’re praying for God’s glorious miracles and wonders for our families, friends, and cities!

Be Blessed
Tim Wray


John 10:10… The thief cometh not, but to steal, and to kill, and to destroy; I am COME that they might have Life (MY LIFE)

Jesus declared; I’ve come in the Person and power of My Spirit to live WITH and IN my people! THAT they might HAVE AND EXPERIENCE MY LIFE and it more abundantly!

What an incredible REALITY and REVELATION! God’s abundant LOVE AND GRACE has blessed us and we now possess and live in the unlimited and unrestricked power and glory of HIS LIFE!

We now have and show forth HIS forgiveness, HIS mercy, HIS kindness, HIS patience, HIS peace, HIS rest, HIS thoughts, HIS word, HIS higher ways, HIS eternal life, HIS wisdom, HIS health, HIS faith, HIS joy, HIS eternal love.

Happy New Year All!

Be Blessed
Tim Wray



What an incredible thought! We were all born naturally in a fallen state of spiritual deadness! Meaning a heart that is dead, separated and blinded to the eternal things of the Lord’s life and glory! The natural man is captive in his own limited and restricted world. Living life in the power of his own strength. Captive to his own limited thoughts, reasoning and ways! Without God in this world and lost to the truth of life IN the presence of the Lord!

But God so Loved the world that He refuses to live without us! So he gave his only begotten Son to rescue us from our imprisonment of darkness and a lack of understanding of His true love toward us! Jesus has surely caught us up into an unrestricked, unlimited realm where all things are possible to him that believes! Jesus has made us ONE with our heavenly Father! How did He make us ONE you may ask? GRACE!!!! He has given us His thoughts, His words, His love, His kindness, His peace, His mercy, His forgiveness, His life, His health, His faith, His power and strength, His joy. Yes Jesus has truly rescued and made us ONE with our Heavenly Father in all things!
We now live life covered in His glorious Life!

Have a Very Merry Christmas all!
Be Blessed
Tim Wray



One of the greatest things the Lord can do for us and to us is simply SPEAK to us!
Why? Because without A WORD from the Almighty we have absolutely no human self strength or abilities to produce the FRUIT Our Lord’s faith!

See Faith is Fruit of the Spirit and it is inherent in the Words that are spoken by the Lord himself. See one of the greatest things that God can do for us is simply speak the light of His Word into our empty, dark and void places.

We can’t work, strive, perform or sweat hard enough in our on strength to produce His faith! We simply can’t work hard enough or be good enough to earn God’s Faith, it comes only by Grace! Yes its a free gift to us when the Lord sends His word to us!

Take Abraham as our example. His and His wife’s natural bodies where older and past their child baring ability. They had a real problem, God had the only answer! HIS SPOKEN WORD! He sent His Word to Abraham and revealed to Him that he was the Father of many Nations! In other words he and his wife were going to have a Son, even though it was humanly impossible. IN the Lord’s Words are the Fruit of His faith and power to overcome all human limitations, circumstances and situations.

Abraham did not earn this gift from the Lord! He definitely had mistakes, bad choices and failure in His life! Abraham did not deserve this blessing from God. No this Word of Promise came by Grace and Love! No one gives like Jesus, theres none like him in all the land! He is a friend that sticks closer to us than any brother could. He never leaves us!

Sometimes when I experience natural circumstances and situations that are to great for me to handle and dont have the answer! He has made me fully aware that I have a void and need in my life. I simply pray that the Lord would simply send His Word and SPEAK to me. Why because I’ve grown to understand that without him and His Word I can’t help myself. When He speaks it is Loves way of filling my emptiness with His Faith and Life. The Palmist declared; He send His Word and healed them and removed destruction from their paths.

I would like to encourage you with this thought. If you have lack or need of anything in your life! No matter how large or small. The Living Word is designed to meet all of our needs according to His riches in Glory! Please ask Him to Speak to you and he’ll replace the emptiness with His faith, joy, happiness, life and glory!

Be Blessed
Tim Wray

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